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Occupation: Personal Trainer


As a creative, I’m sure a part of your role is to collaborate with others, how has the pandemic affected that?


This pandemic has actually helped me collaborate a lot more, since doing my Instagram lives, I’ve been able to join others to my Instagram live and also participated in other people’s Instagram lives. So it’s had a really positive effect.


Are you still able to work from home?


I am, I’m still able to do online coaching and 1:1 ft sessions.


A lot of creatives are finding this period hard as they are lacking motivation and routine, what routine do you have to make sure you stay motivated?


I have made sure I had a routine similar to the one I normally have every day. Making sure I have my workout every day, create content, making sure I do things that make me happen. Having scheduled lives every day definitely helps.


What does being motivated mean to you during these times?


Being motivated means to keep pursuing my purpose and doing things that make me happy. Still working towards my goals.


A lot of creatives are saying this is the time to start something new, learn a new language. But do you think this is also a time to relax and take some time for yourself?


100% a lot of people work 24/7 so it’s definitely a time to relax and take time to yourself as this opportunity will never come again.


What tips can you give people who are struggling with keeping motivated?


Find things you enjoy doing, try new things, start new projects, workout out, speak with friends.


What do you plan to do after lockdown?


Carry on building my Instagram and fitness page, build my online coaching and go back to being a personal trainer in my gym.


One quote to help you creatives during these times?


"Bad things never last forever, keep pursuing your purpose and don’t lose sight of your goal."


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